Monday, February 4, 2008

So, what's the problem with steriods?

I'm sure that much of my audience here comes from Transformetrics' Forum since I post there so often. A fellow member there doesn't view steriods with the same disgust that I do. He's a far more accepting of their use than I am. I'm not in any way trying to put him down or trying to start a flame war. He's an articulate guy and he makes good arguement for their use. Still I just don't agree with him.

A couple of his posts:

Steriods go against one of my core beliefs about physical training. I believe that the mind should work with the body. To get true strength, your mind has to focus on the exercise that the body is doing and that establishment of mind-body connection is what fuels muscular development. By using steriods, that connection is severed. Instead of intense mental focus, you just manipulate the endocrine system by taking synthetic testosterone. In this regard, you don't generate a strong body by using your head, you just need to be a daring chemist.

Think about what I just wrote though... manipulating the endocrine system. Messing with your hormone levels with synthetic testosterone. Now this gentleman and I would disagree with the health effects of taking steriods. I'll agree that it's very difficult to nail down what certain user's medical conditions are caused by steriod use or ABuse. I realize that sending your testosterone-epitestosterone ratio up to 11 to 1 is excessive. Taking it from 3 to 1 to 6 to 1 (to the upper end of naturally high) is more sensible and is what is done in many "anti-aging clinics". So what's wrong with a moderated steriod use?

The problem is that it doesn't happen very much. Very few people follow the guidlines. Since steriods have been made, the doses have been exceeded by silly degrees. Excess is the norm and not the exception. Often times, the people who take steriods have mental and emotional issues with their bodies and therefore aren't really in their right mind when they take steriods. Improper, if any, mind-body connection. Steriods only encourage this disconnection.

Besides, how many famous steriod users have we seen die in the spotlight? We always hear that they were taking other drugs, that they had pre-existing medical conditions, or they had a history of whatever they died of in their families. It's anecdotal but there are a lot of users who drop dead too early if you think about it. There's always an exuse too. Dan Duchaine was explained away with his polycystic kidney disease, even though his sisters are still living despite having the same conditions. Greg Valentino had a heart attack but that had to be heredetary. Lyle Alzado's mother died of cancer too. Chris Benoit was taking many other drugs that may have caused his murder-suicide spree.

Sure, steriods have medical uses. Still, that doesn't make them healthy or safe to use by a healthy person. Steriod medications are often administered to people whose medical conditions side effects are worse than if they don't take steriods. Just take a look at some of the things that they precribe steriods for. Pituitary gland disorders, burn victims, transplant recipients. Two of the three here probably get painkillers too but that doesn't mean that a healthy person should be taking those too.

Indeed, a healthy person has no business taking steriods to build up their bodies. If you take an objective, fact-filled, and honest look at them, there's more upside to avoiding steriods than taking them.

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